Fall 2024 VIP Wine Walk Ticket (White Wine Gift)
Digital entry ticket for Wine Walk on Saturday, November 9, 2024 and VIP Night on Friday, November 8, 2024.
This is a digital download ticket. You must PRESENT A DIGITAL OR PRINT COPY at check-in with confirmation number to be admitted.
- Tickets are non-refundable.
- Please make sure to check your spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email following your purchase.
- If you cannot make the event, you can resell your ticket to another individual. You must send that purchaser all ticket receipts/downloads. As an added measure of security, you can email [email protected] to notify us of the resale and update our records for check-in. Do not contact us to resell the ticket on your behalf.
This ticket is good for:
- Regular nov 9 wine walk admission
- Wine glass & souvenir bag
- VIP exclusive tasting at la linea nov 8
- Gift bottle of red wine
This ticket allows you to access early VIP check-in
Friday, Nov 8
5:00 - 7:00 PM
La Linea Wine Bar
211 West Bowie, Downtown Beeville, Texas
If you cannot make VIP Night, we will have a special VIP check-in line at our main event check-in
Saturday, Nov 9
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Coastal Bend Distilling Co.
201 North Madison Ave, Downtown Beeville, Texas
Direct further questions or if you fail to receive your ticket confirmation email to [email protected]
Further event details can be found at downtownbeeville.com/winewalk